OWB upgrade issues

We were trying to upgrade our OWB installation from to and during the repository export phase, it's constantly hanging at 95%. It hangs at the same point (95%) every time we try the export and the object it's struck at is "wb_rt_audit_scripts" table.

We tried to increase the java heap size to 1280M as suggested in one of the metalink notes by modifying the -Xmx setting in the 'reposinst.sh' script however that didn't resolve the hang issue.

Further analysis suggested the clob column 'script' in the wb_rt_audit_scripts table is quite large...around 900M in our db...so we then purged the audit data using purge_audit_template.sql which is available under /rtp/sql directory (from the source 10.2 path).

The options that we used were as below...

@purge_audit_template.sql rep_owner DEPLOYMENT ALL null null

@purge_audit_template.sql MY_RUNTIME EXECUTION "number_task_errors > 0" null null

After running the above, we then shrink the lob using

alter table rep_owner.wb_rt_audit_scripts modify lob(script) (shrink space);

And that released the space back into the tablespace.

After this step...we tried the export and it finished quite quickly and the issue is resolved.


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