Notes on MS SQL to Oracle data migration using SQL Developer

A requirement came up to migrate some MS SQL data from SharePoint into Oracle and most of this data has some html formatting tags and more than 4000 characters requiring CLOB columns on Oracle end.

First option is to try SQL Developer and as the source was given as a 'access' database file, tried to connect to access and noticed there's NO access connection tab in SQL Developer 4.1.1 as it uses jdk8 and there's no jdbc-odbc bridge in jdk8 as per this post so had to launch SQL Developer 4.0.2 which has "Access" tab.

Now the other issue is connecting to Access gives "Data source name not found and no default driver specified" error which is due to missing 64bit MS Access driver as I was using 64 bit OS. So uninstalled my office suite and installed the Access driver using and now I can connect to Access. However the source data is supposed to be extracted from a query from some of the access base tables and for some reason the access connection shows the queries as 'views'.

So decided to switch to MS SQL connection (which was the original source for this access)
and connected SQL Developer to MS SQL using jTDS driver and now I can connect to MS SQL.
And from there on, it's easier than expected to load the data using 'copy to oracle' option for the MS SQL tables and it nicely converted the nvarchar data into CLOB columns.
However one small glitch is it failed to load the data from a MS SQL table that has ":" in it's name, but strangely it didn't throw any errors simply says load completed with neither table nor data present in Oracle. Also for the tables it worked ok, Oracle table name got trimmed to 30 characters limit on Oracle end.

So renamed the tables on MS SQL end without ":" character and now the load succeeded and table record count and max(length(column_name)) returned the same value on both ends...a pleasing result at the end!