- right-click on setup -àtroubleshoot compatibility -àTroubleshoot program
- Click on the check box “The program worked in earlier versions of Windows but won’t install or run now...”
- On screen “Which version of windows did this program work on before...”...I selected Windows XP service pack 2
- Then click “Test compatibility settings for the program...”
- It’ll come back with “Settings applied” windows compatibility mode windows XP (Service Pack 2)
- Click on "Start the program"
- Click “Next...” and then once the Universal Installer launched successfully...just click on 'yes save these settings for this program' and close the troubleshooter.
And half way through the installation it complained “install has encountered an error while attempting to verify your virtual memory settings...pls verify that the sum of the initial sizes of the paging file is at least 256 MB.” and the fix was to update the page file size by uncheck the ‘automatically manage paging file size for all drives’ and set the value using ‘custom size’ setting with a minimum value above the value in the error.
After this step...it complained again for the environment variable ‘PATH’ being more than 1023 characters...and had to clean up some of the values from the PATH variable and the installation finished successfully.